samedi 31 mai 2014


During my last club meeting I won a rbta. In the bag he looked small so I took it. I got home stuck him in my tank and he was pretty large a minimum of 6 inches probably more like 8 inches across when fully inflated. I'm hoping for my clowns to host it. So I decided to split the nem into 2. I took a razor poured some coral disinfectant on the razor. I then cut the nem in half through the mouth. While doing it I realized I made a bad choice by doing it on the rock lessened learned. I put them in a bucket with some disinfectant rinsed and put in my sump for the rest of the day. I put him back in the tank this morning. Both are inflated. So the part I'm kinda worried about since I didn't get a straight through cut with one shot I may have hacked up one side. I really hope not. If it isn't gonna make it or I did something wrong would it have inflated already. If I hacked it to much and it didn't get part of the mouth would I know by now. The one that I'm worried about did move a cross the rock so each one is on a side.

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