jeudi 29 mai 2014

making the change

Hi all and thank you for having us, i say us as its my wife and my dream to own a little piece of her home town in our home.

A bit of back ground we have recently sold our 6'2'2 sump system. we have kept only american cichlids, JD's have still got my jd's there mated and beautiful, Severums and Oscars, a fish i've come to love, i swear they wag Caudal Fin like a dog wags its tail everytime the spectrum came out, and sulk when the Spirulina makes an appearance lol great fish!

We all ways intended to move to Marine it just took us a little longer than we first thought refer to love for oscars lol, bt now we plan to utilize a 270litre tank, we have a beautiful curved front that we are wanting to do fowlr for a few years till the kids are older and we can incorporate them, and then when they are ready we will move into inverterbrates that way husbandry can be shared around the entire family, thats the plan watch them hate it lol

So what do i need to know, assume i know nothing as i've come to find in this hobby the assuming that you know nothing is often the only way to learn something?

I guess my most important questions are about;

1. Setup Requirements in a sense of equipment, i am starting from scratch apart from tank and stand i have a t5 fitting but am thinking LED upgrade, I have in tank prop type pumps, i have a 5500 eheim return pump and a 2400 aqua one return pump.What of that is useful and what else do i need, probes test units, phosphate remover or pallet reactor

2. Setup and requirements for ongoing care, RODI units? Water storage solution would an IBC 1000ltr pvctub outside and sealed be sufficient or in my garage sealed? Salt requirements? Testing units?

3. What can we expect to keep in a tank that size, 1200x450x500 270ltr with out overstocking and creating a maintenance nightmare and before its suggested i'm not buying another six foot, next big tank i have will be MASSIVE and in the house we plan to build, at least 3-5years.

My plan is to be exceptionally patient as i was when i first started my FW systems, and bah over stocking and over feeding which was an issue with the plank (me) running the tank, rather than the build of it, i was able to produce an incredibly easy system to manage by investing smart money in making husbandry easier, this build criteria will be the same, im not saying uneccessary equipment but more intelligent ideas based on experience with this particular fish keeping, ive heard raise your rock off the surface completely, then rock lifts etc etc there is so much info!!!

Thank you for your help in advance, im sure this will only lead to more questions or at least i hope so

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