jeudi 29 mai 2014

Blasto Coral Advice

Hey guys. So here's the story:

Going back 2-3 weeks, I bought a nice colony of blastomussa merletti from my LFS. The only problem with the colony was that the skeletal tubules were so long (approximately 5-6 inches) that they literally wouldn't fit anywhere in my tank comfortably. I saw colonies online were MUCH shorter and manageable than that, so I asked my LFS if I could trim them down from the back end without hurting the coral. They told me yes. So before I trimmed them down, I let them acclimate in my tank for about a week right around the area where I wanted to eventually glue them after trimming. In that week, that looked full and beautiful.

So following my next water change, I decided to trim the blastos down to approximately 3-4 inches, taking off an inch or two from the skeletal tubes that were extra long. Then I glued it into place. I'm sure it was severely traumatizing for the coral, as I had to take the coral out of the water and quickly go to work, so I figured it would take a while for them to reacclimate and open up.

My problem is that it's been about 2 weeks since I trimmed and glued them, and they're still almost completely retracted into the skeleton. They're not showing any sign of dying as far as I can see, as I still can see the tissue, but it's just completely retracted. There are very rare occasions when the blastos begin to show signs of coming out, just enough to cover the skeletal teeth, but that's about the extent of it.

My question is whether or not this is considered normal. I haven't had any problems with any of my other corals yet, nor have I done any traumatizaing surgery like this on them either, so I'm not sure if 2 weeks of the blastos being retracted is something to be worried about/problematic, or if I should just give them more time to open up again. Do you guys suggest I try to unglue them and place them somewhere else? Maybe dip them?

Any suggestions/advice is much appreciated - thanks in advance! If you think taking a picture of the blastos would be helpful, feel free to let me know.

For reference, my setup is:

30 gallon bow front. I run it bare bottom so I can siphon all detrius with each water change. I consistently do 20% water changes weekly, so my levels are typically pristine (ph-8.2, ammon/nitrite/nitrate/phosphate-0, alk-~8, calc-~400, salinity- 1.025-1.026). Octopus HoB skimmer. MP10 powerhead. If you'd like any further information, please feel free to ask.

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