mercredi 28 mai 2014

New Saltwater Hobbyist Here

Hi guys I am a new saltwater enthusiast and had a question about my new reef tank and the cycling process. About a week ago I added some crushed coral and Aragonite sand along with a protein skimmer and two pump heads to my 65 gallon salt water tank.

This past Sunday I added about 45 pounds of uncured Fiji live rock. I noticed when putting these rocks in they had what I believe to be purple coralline algae already growing on them. I added fish food for two days to the empty tank and the water is at a constant 78 degrees. I started taking measurements today due to my absence from the tank for the last couple days. I have approximately 7.6 PH, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite, and my salinity after a few adjustments is at approximately 1.026.

According to what I have read, my tank readings are almost perfect except for the PH being just a tad low and my salinity could lower just a tad.

My question is, does this mean my tank is ready for at least invertebrates? I thought the cycling process was supposed to take up to 6 weeks, how are my readings already where there supposed to be after 4 days?

Any suggestions on the next step? Thanks in advance guys!

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