samedi 31 mai 2014

200 dry rock, no fish, 4 weeks, high nitrates


First reef venture here. As I stated in the title I have a new 200 that I started with 300 lbs of dry rock and 340 lbs of a fine "live" sand. It's got a 40 gallon refugium with about 4" of Miracle Mud and I've added a clump of chaetomorpha. I've got a skimmer but the pump went out on it after the first week so it hasn't been in service. I seeded the tank with a couple of bottles of Instant Ocean BioSpira and one cube of some frozen shrimp. There is no livestock. I've been running the tank for about a month now with the lights off for the most part. Ammonia is 0, Phosphate, .5-1.0 and nitrates are 20-40. I did a 10% tank change last night and 15% today before doing some research here in the forums and was planning another tonight. I'm thinking I'm on the right track but would love confirmation. Is it time to start adding the clean up crew once I get the nitrates under control? Also, when can I start adding corals and fish and at what pace?

Thanks to everyone here for all your time helping educate others,



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