samedi 31 mai 2014

Zalick's 300dd build

Making a big jump from a 20L to 300dd with a 100g custom sump. It's going to be a peninsula with all but 18" of the nonsaphire backside viewable. It will be a barebottom mixed reef.

I've ordered the tank and stand from Marineland. Picking up in a week or so.

Here is my current equipment list, which I intend to order in the next few days. I'd love any comments.

Lighting: 4 - Kessil a360w

Controller: Neptune Apex Gold

Flow: 2-mp60 (wall side of penninsula) 2-mp40s on opposite side.

skimmer: sro5000 or diablo dc300 - thoughts? others?

ATO: Spectrapure UPLC-II

heaters: 3 - 300w jagers

return - mag 18 (will be about 1200gph with the head)

reactor - none

dosing - none

My intent is to make it as low maintenance as possible. I'm running PVC under the floor and up into the cabinet. One line will be saltwater with a ball valve. The other line will be plumbed to the overflow with a ball valve and then connected to wastewater line under house. The ato will be plumbed to the garage where the salt and fresh holding tanks will live.

These holding tanks will be about 4' higher than the sump, so gravity will work its magic.

Water change made easy. Open ball valve on overflow and empty 20g directly to sewer line. Close valve. Open salt valve and dump 20g saltwater to sump. Close valve.

The ato will be connected to a 20-30g reservoir, so if @#%$ happens it can fully dump to sump and not be too damaging.

I'm not bothering with reactors or dosing at the moment. It won't be too heavily stocked with sps for a bit and I have a habit of 10% weekly waterchanges and plan to keep that up but probably do 5% or so.

I've played with the a360w at a lfs, and its amazing. The intensity and spectrum control are incredible.

I know I could use 4-mp40s but I'd rather run an mp60 at 50% than a mp40 at 100%.

I'm also thinking of putting one of the mp40s on the bottom, yes bottom, of the tank right in the middle shooting up. Has anyone ever seen this before? Reasons why its a bad idea? It would give some really great vertical flow.

Bottom cleaning

Will this work? plumb a second valve on the overflow in sump area with a flexible hose connected. when cleaning, put the hose just under the top of the tank water and open the valve. The force of the water from the overflow should start a siphon with the hose. Can then vacuum up the bottom with a sock attached. when done, lift hose to stop siphon and close valve. Then remove and clean sock.

I would appreciate any comments on the equipment! Especially the skimmer.

Anyway, that's enough for now. I'll be updating as the toys arrive!

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