vendredi 30 mai 2014

Scaled down version of my specs

Sort of a long intro before, so here's the meat of it:

20 gallon Hex tank with stand – 9” sides (x 6), 21” H

2.5 gallon sump – 6.5” x 12” x 8” (3 chambers – drain with chemipure chamber, floss, skimmer chamber, bubble trap, return chamber)

Coralife 65 Super skimmer with bubble trap box removed and ¾” PVC extending return into skimmer sump chamber. Fishing line and venturi line mods (THANKS TRT!)

MJ1200 return pump

BRS GFO reactor

(all this set in the stand on a homemade plexi hex tub (8” sides x 6 and 3” high) – flood catch)

Homemade ½” PVC pipe overflow

Between 18-20 bs live rock

AI Sol Blue Wireless adapter and controller – set 12” from water line with Lunar mode and weather mode. Lights on around 8am and off at 9pm (10 timers)

Vortech MP10 set at 75% - Reef Crest setting and night mode

Aqueon 750 GPH powerhead for surface circulation

Aqueon heater 40W (works great)

Substrate – Crushed Coral

Cleaner crew – 3 Mex Turbos, 2 Astrea’s, a collection of blue and red legged hermits, 3 emeralds crabs, 1 peppermint shrimp.

Coral – Brain Favia, 4 types of Zoo’s, Yellow fiji leather, Goniopora, Green star Polyps, placed a small mat of GSP the back wall, and my Duncan.

Fish – One Clownfish

Other – a Pincushion Urchin named “Spike”, lol

Tube worms/feather dusters happy and present

Parameters – Sal 1.023, 78”, PH = 8.2, Ammonia = 0, Nitrate = 0, Nitrate = 5 ppm (Water change tomorrow), Phosphate = 0 ppm, dKh = 7, Ca = 420, Mg = 1240

UBS to keep skimmer, pumps, and lights running in case of a blackout.

Pico Tank (only used to preserve and seed live rock and some live sand)

5 gallon standard – 16” x 8” x 10”

10 lbs of live rock – composed of rock removed from the hex and combined with dry rock from the shore of South Beach Miami. I picked it up on vacation this past March….the coralline growth is exploding now.

Aquaclear 30 (not modded)

40w heater (no idea of the brand)

That LED mainland strip light. Works well here.

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