mercredi 28 mai 2014

Acan coral ate my skunk cleaner shrimp........

Yesterday I woke up to find the malted shell of my skunk ckeaner laying next to my acans. I saw what I thought was part of the shell in the acans mouth, and the rest floating nearby attached to the acan as it slowly pulled the shell in.

I didnt see the shrimp and figured hes hiding in the rocks bc his new shell is soft (I have no other criters except coral) but it has been 2 days now and he is nowere to be found.

Im thinking that he decided to malt right ontop of the acans and since its a slow process the acans thought he was food and sucked him in whike he was malting and what I thought was a part of his malted shell was actually the shrimp.

Either way he dissapeared, and I have no clue were else he would bave ended up. Has anyone else had a similar experiance?

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