vendredi 30 mai 2014

Lower Nitrates

Ok, I am hitting a wall and I am thinking I am going to start using the vodka dosing method to get my nitrates down.

To kick this off, here are mt tank levels -

No2 - <.03

No3 - 20ppm

NH3/4 - 0

Po4 - 0

KH - 9dkh

PH - 8.5

CA - 440

MG - 1380

SAL/SG - 32/1.024

My nitrates have been consistent at 20ppm for a few months now. It is driving me crazy. I run two reactors with phos-ban and Chemi-pure and do 10 gal water changes weekly now (was doing twice a week for a while). I also do a large WC of 20gal once a month.

Now some will say it is ok to have Nitrates that high, but I have red cyano growing in my sumps bubble trap and I am constantly battling it creeping into my Fuge and covering my macro algae. Normally, I would pull the sump and pull the sand then go bare bottom, but I don't want to decimate my copepod populatin as I have mandarins in my DT.

Anyone have a suggestion on reducing nitrates?

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