samedi 31 mai 2014

SPS Bleaching

My "normal" birds nest looks like it is starting to bleach, the underside is whiter looking than the rest of the top and I am afraid I might lose the other sps I have. What can I do to resolve this before it hits my other SPS?

My current parameters is as follows:

dKH 10 (API)

Ca 420 (API)

SG 1.026 (Hydormeer)

PH 8.4 (digital PH)

Nitrate/Nitrite 0

MG Do not test

I dose Nano Code A/B during ATO (A during feeding)

Dose Iodide

I also run carbon using an AC70 and two AC70 carbon bags into my overflow.

This is also a Mix Reef so I do have a few LPS, I know they require dirty water but they have been doing well in my "pristine" water.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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