jeudi 29 mai 2014

Overfeeding One key to happy fish?

I recently sold my old tank setup, and the guy buying it asked if he could see the current tank I had. I showed him, and he said "Wow, your fish look great, they look really happy"

At first I thought that was odd, but I think he was referring to them being very HEALTHY and thriving.

All of my Fish are very full bellied and think; my flasher wrasse looks like an umpa loompa, seriously he's overweight for a fish that never sits still LOL.

Everyone has their own opinion as to keeping healthy fish, but one of the things I believe in is making sure that every fish gets plenty to eat, and that they get different types of food daily.

The shy fish usually get the least amount of food, and even though I have a very peaceful tank (on purpose to keep stress levels down), I believe that putting a little more food in ensures every Fish the gets good nutrition daily.

I also turn the power heads off for a little so it's easier for them to get the food, then after all the food appears gone, turn them back on to kick up the leftovers into the water column so they can get some more.

Just a quick observation from my experiences. As long as you have a good Clean up Crew, a Kick Butt Skimmer, and do water changes, it's more of a benefit than a detriment adding a bit more food than normal.

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