jeudi 24 avril 2014

Mangrove Help

Does anyone have any advice for mangroves? I have 4 of them, 1 with leaves, and 3 which have lost their leaves. One of the 3 which have lost its leaves has a small green stem growing out of the top. I was spraying the leaves off 3 times a week with freshwater before they fell off. The roots are planted in refugium rubble inside of Tupperware container and are surrounded by chaeto which seems to be growing fine. I'm thinking that they may be undergoing salinity shock because they have only been in my tank for a month. Should I replant them in soil and acclimate them with saltwater for a few weeks before I replant them in the sump?

Lights: 9 hours a day (opposite of tank) in sump 6" from the top of plants

Salinity: 1.025

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 5

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