mardi 29 avril 2014

Algae Outbreak Help

Hey guys need help. Ok so I have a 30 gallon shallow reef which I am now battling a bad algae outbreak in. It's been going for about 7 months now and for the first 5 months it did awesome. But then came the problem. I ran across a harlequin shrimp at the lfs and bought it. I knew it's diet and what it needed to survive and I was fine with that. When I first put him in, the tank was Crystal clear. I was not fighting algae at all and to be honest never saw any algae. So about 3 weeks went by after adding him and then the problems slowly started. I first got a red film that covered my sand bed. I sifted the sand on water changes the best I could and got rid of whatever I could. But it never stopped. I now am getting a greenish algae that covers everything, rocks, sand, glass, corals, anything it can. And I still get a bit of the red if it can fight through the green. I continue to fight them both daily. I redid my entire sump in hopes to help fight it. I bought a set of the mini Rubbermaid drawers and made a DIY media rack out of them with the top drawer being filter floss and the middle being chemi pure. The bottom drawer is just a drain. It runs out of the tank, through the rack and then into a 20 gallon Rubbermaid bin that houses my skimmer, heater, and return. My lighting has recently been changed from a two bulb t5 fixture to a now 144 watt 6 bulb fixture running 3 actinics and 3 12000k's ran on a 8 hour photo period which seems to only help the algae grow better. Livestock is two clowns, one harlequin, one pom pom crab, long and short tentacle torch, frogspawn, 6 head Duncan, zoas, yellow polyps, clam, and they all seem to be doing great even during this outbreak. They all still are growing and are open mostly everyday. Have normally done bi weekly 20 percent changes but now do weekly 20 percent changes. Temp is 78. Salinity is 1.025. 0 PPM rodi water used. Latest test have all came up with 0 everything besides the 5 PPM nitrate reading which I have had the whole time of the tank really. Please help!! Thanks guys.

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