mercredi 30 avril 2014

Pajama Cardinal vs. Banggai Cardinal

I was at my LFS last night and noticed they had a bunch of Pajama cardinals in stock. I've never really cared for them seeing pictures of them online, but seeing them in the store for the first time they look pretty cool so I thought about getting some but I also plan on having (2) Banggai cardinals in my tank eventually so I was curious if that would cause an issue?

Liveaquaria shows pajamas to be peaceful and banggais to be semi-aggressive so not sure if I'm asking for trouble?

40B currently has one black clown (orange died a few weeks ago, so planning on replacing it in a couple of weeks but didn't want to buy any new fish until I get back from vacation mid-May). Also have three blue/green chromis, YWG, and firefish.

Currently all of my fish get along just fine, the clown(s) host around my powerhead at night and swim around during the day, the chromis split up and hide in the rock when scared, two of them usually stick together and the third goes to a separate rock hiding spot, when they come out they are all three together swimming around. my YWG pretty much stays under one of two rocks with his pistol shrimp buddy and only comes out further when its food time, and the firefish spends most of its time hiding under the rock structure, usually only comes out around feeding time.

So far everyone gets along, no fights, everyone has their own space. With the plans to add (2) Banggai cardinals in the future and had considered adding a chalk bass too, would the pajama cardinals (2 or 3?) be OK with the others I already have / have problems with future additions?

I know I'm pretty close to maxing out on my # of fish already so may not be adding them all in this tank (depending on the order I get them some might be put on hold until I go to a bigger tank), I'm watching the habits of each fish I add to determine my overall population just to make sure everyone is happy with their space and no one crowded to make jumpers, so I'm not asking about if they'll fit in the 40B - more will they get along in general?

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