mardi 29 avril 2014

Seriously need skimmer help

I thought I posted about this before but I couldn't find it so sorry if this is reduntant

300 deep dimension build going on and I need some skimmer help...I had planned on using the mrc beckett skimmer I bought's a mr-2 that I was going to add a second beckett and neck extension essentially making it a mr-3

I also have a sro 3000 that I'm using on my 210 now and my thought was the beckett first then the needlewheel after but after searching all morning it seems that dual skimmers may not be the way to go??

I was looking at saying screw it and replacing both of what I have with a new model...

I was looking at skimz?? Any good??

I was looking at asm g6x?? Any good??

Bigger reef octo??

Here's what I I don't care about as the sump(125 gallon) is in the basement

Cost...well it is what it everyone cheaper is better but I want a great skimmer

Performance...I will have sps mainly so I want a skimmer that will skim the bejesus out of the tank regardless of the fish load...if I want 30 fish in there I don't want to have to consider if my skimmer can take it...basically I want a monster!!! Lol

Please help and again sorry if this thread is redundant but I have literally been sitting here for 3 hours reading and searching threads but am now more confused than before



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