samedi 26 avril 2014

What CUC if any?

So, i have 16 gallon tank with two Firefishes and 1 Yellow clown goby. I also have 2 Peppermint shrimps and 3 Nassarius snails. The snails are not doing anything except sitting in the sand 22 hours a day.

I do regular 4 - 5 gallon water change every week and i brush the rocks with toothbrush to get rid of detrius and algae. I vacuum the sand also.

I still have so red algae on the sand and green ones also on the rocks.

DO you recommend any extra CUC for my tank? I HAD some Turbos before, but shrimps killed them all. So i'm thinking about Hermit crabs (around 2 or 3)? Would that be a good idea or should i go with snails again?

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