dimanche 27 avril 2014

Should I order a Harlequin Tusk Wrasse?

This poll is totally non-scientific. But you guys will act as my "convincing" or "unconvincing" crew. Perhaps I want one so much I am missing a detail and am letting my wanting cloud my judgement.

1. I have a credit of $60 to Bluezoo. But it will expire next year, so no need to order right now. And the fish is expensive.

2. I have a rimless tank, and wrasses are known to jump. Covering is not an option. But I only have one semi-aggressive fish, a Kole Tang, that might spook it.

3. It eats crustaceans. I have a small CUC of Nassariuos and Cerinth snails, as well as dwarf Cerinths. Also two big turbos. I kinda want it to eat the turbos, the Cerinths can be food (it's all food on the reef) and a cleaner shrimp. I'd rather not lose the shrimp. I'd rather not lose the Nassarious, but maybe they hide well enough.

4. My understanding is it is safe for coral

5. I understand it will not bother smaller fish unless they are introduced after. My plan is to add a Bangaii cardinal at the same time. I do have one tiny fish, a rainsford goby. These two (tusk and Bangaii) will be my last fish.

Given these circumstances if you were in my place would you get the fish?

Thanks as always, Helen

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