mercredi 30 avril 2014

DIY LED Drivers

I found this decent writeup on how to make your own LED drivers.

It gets you started. The first step would be to make a rectifier and then use that power supply to feed into your driver. In circuit 5 I'm thinking you could run a program on a microcontroller with an interface that would allow you to set the time (T1) for the light to initialize and brighten to 100% at (T2), and then set another time for the light to begin dimming (T3), and finally for the light to go out(T4). I think you could do most of it with a 555 timer, but at the least you'd have to plug in a USB cable (after building a USB jack) and program the microcontroller with your computer. And while you're at it, if you're going that route then you could incorporate Bluetooth to do it wirelessly and build an app for your iPhone that allows you to set those 4 times plus the max brightness.


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