mercredi 30 avril 2014

Newbie 40B Setup Help

Hello! I am new to this forum, so hopefully I do this right.

I had a SW about 10 years ago that was a pretty basic setup, 20g, UGF FOWLR. It was fine, never anything to write home about and was finally scrapped after a few dead fish.

More recently I have started keeping freshwater planted tanks and love them, but they just arent as colorful as saltwater. I plan to keep my 75g planted tank running, but want to turn my 40B into a SW reef tank.

I have done quite a bit of research, and have an uncle who has been keeping SW for decades, but wanted to run my setup idea past you folks and look for some ideas. So here goes!


40G Breeder

6" DSB with live sand

50-60lbs of LR

Octopus BH1000 Skimmer

HOB Refugum with rubble and chateo

4 MaxiJet 400's (going for high flow)

Lights - 14000k LED from Buymyled

My ambient temp is 74 so I'm going to throw a small heater in but probably will never run...

(note: no sump!)

The plan is to let this run for about 2 months with no fish or coral.

After 1 month (or when cycled) I plan to add a cleanup crew (looking at shrimp and nerite snails)

After 2 months, I plan to add a pair of clowns

If everything stays stable, thats when I want to begin adding coral. At this point SPS and LPS are what I am looking at.

As for maintenance, my tap water seems fine to use (checked the water reports), but with no filter, I plan on doing 20% water changes weekly. I have a 10g tank that I am going to throw a powerhead in and pre-mix my water and let it churn for a day before putting it in the main tank.

So that is what I am planning... Should be a very light stock for the tank size so hopefully that setup should work. What am I missing or not thinking through?


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