mardi 29 avril 2014

New 55 Gallon Tank

Good Morning all! This is my first real SW fish tank (the first 10 didn't count cuz i had no idea what i was doing and killed my fish :( that was upsetting) I plan on doing this tank right. I'm doing alot of research before i even purchase any live rock or corals or anything. I don't know my tanks demintions off the top of my head (and i don't have a tape messurer) but as soon as i get one i will post the dimentions. i built my own 10 gallon sump (i plan on upgrading later on but it'll do its job for now) and i have a hang on the back filter. the sump has the water heater and protien skimmer in it (which i think the skimmer is broken but it said to wait a couple days to let it adjust) I'll list my questions and problems now.

1.) my salinity is super low at 1.014 it has been like this for 3 days now. I don't know how to properly raise it without dumping salt in the tank. I messured the salt and its levels before i put it in the tank but i'm still having problems. No i did not mix it in the tank. If i take say about 1/3 of the water out and put 1/3 in would it change the levels or would i have to over salt the new water? if i do that then how would i know if i am over salting since it takes about a day and a half to stablize.

2.) I bought a reef testing kit with Calcium, KH, and phosphate test. where can i find the rest of the test that i need. also if my levles are too high or low how do i fix the problem? my Calcium and KH are good but my phosphate is high. I've been testing everyday and have got the same results.

3.) I have been researching on when to introduce live rock and corals. Some say to add it same day and let it help cycle the tank but some say wait a month and let your tank cycle itself. i really want to rush the live rock but i don't want to kill everything again, so i'm forcing patients until i get a green light. I don't want to trust my pet store because i don't want their infulence to make me buy something that my tank itsn't ready for. (they have been extremely helpful but i really don't know too much about them)

4.) Is there a free app that lets me record my data from testing the water? i have downloaded "my reef buddy" "Coral reef parameters" and "guide to salt water aquariums" which all have great information but not really unless You're experienced or at a point where you can add fish and that sort of thing.

I have so many questions that google is just making worse because i research one thing but then that topic gives me a thousand more things to research. To be honest i'm starting to get tired of all the research because no one site has all the awnsers i'm specifically looking for which is frustrating. I want to do this right and keep doing it right.

Thank you for reading this and hopefully i can figure out how to post pics.

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