lundi 28 avril 2014

All fish died in the FOWLR


Over 4 months ago, I started a 55 gallon FOWLR tank since I great success with my 75 gallon mixed reef tank for over a year. I went away for the weekend after feeding the fish on Friday evening and when I came home Sunday evening all of the fish were decease but none of the inverts were deceased.

Background on tank: about 70lbs of Live rock, 20lbs of live sand with about 10 non-live reef sand, Wavemaker with duel powerheads, eheim heater, Coralife 65g Protein Skimmer and a HOB power filter for Chemi-pure bags

List of deceased: pair of Blood Orange Clownfish, Red Spotted Hawkfish, Watchman Goby, small Sixline wrasse, scarlet cleaner shrimp

List of alive organisms: 2 Emerald crabs, Bristle starfish, yellow starfish, urchin, flame scallop, many snails and hermits

Water when I test it was:

Temp: 77.7F PH 8.3, Ammonia 0.00 Nitrite 0.00 and Nitrate 20.0 ppm, Alk 9 dkh

Tank was dosed every week with Special Blend and Nite Out

None of the fish had any visible sign of disease (aka ich)

Any suggestions of what caused this?



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