mardi 29 avril 2014

helllllllllpppp external cannistar died

well as time goes on i wonder wether i should ever have a reef tank my external cannister blew a seal pi--ing salt water all over the wood floor good job the misses was not in phew lucky i was in and stopped it after cutting a chunk out my finger so now my reef tank has no filter on it have checked all the bits that ishoud and its ok for the moment i have dun a water change so should be ok for a bit but where do i go from here as i need some sort of filtration on it but my tank isnt a reef tank its a tropical one i used so i really could do with some advice on the way forward

ps dont tell the misses my filter pi--ed salt water all over our new wood flooring or else my man bit could end up in a pickle jar lol:bigeek:

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