mardi 22 septembre 2015

Urgent Help needed, do I have everything Reqd??

Hi peeps

ive moved house and set another marine tank up, I have a current system running an aqua one system which has filters, skimmers, carbon media etx all enclosed in the under tank system. I have now got a new setup which runs a sump which comprises of the following:

It has the following setup, 200ltr tank, sump with 3 chambers, a narrow one where the water returns back from the tank, a second where a devil protein skimmer sits along with the heater and a third chamber where the return pump and 2 x sand filters sit which have sand in both.

The temp is 25 - 26degrees and the salt level is a little high at the moment but no more than the old tank where the fish are now and seem perfectly happy.

I need to move the fish from the old house to the new one asap, what do people think of my setup and is there anything I need to do? I really dont want to harm the fish so just want to put my mind at rest. I bought this setup second hand and have been assured by the fish shop that it is fine for what I want

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