mercredi 16 septembre 2015

Skimmate production

Hello everyone, I have had a Tunze 9004 skimmer on my tank for about two months.

Initially I expected some fine tuning and I have noticed it is very susceptible to water level as its a surface skimmer. I think I have it dialed in as it's producing a small amount of skimmate.

My question is the skimmate I'm getting is almost clear. The bottom of the cup and middle section where the foam is produced is covered in a light brown film that I wash off each time I empty the cup but I'm not seeing brown or tea colored skimmate.

This may be due to bioload it is a BB, 29g with 2-one inch clowns, assorted hermits/snails and one skunk cleaner.

I also clean it with a 10%-15% WC weekly with siphoning, run filter floss after the cleaning to remove detritus that gets disturbed and not removed (I usually run a powerhead over the rocks to dislodge anything weekly).

So maybe it's just clean and there isn't much to remove or do I not have the skimmer as dialed in as I think?

I can easily overflow the cup in 30 seconds by just opening up the air valve all the way or filling the tank more than it likes.

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