dimanche 1 mars 2015

New tank tour. Opinions wanted!

Hey guys I took a video of my tank this morning.

Can you please look and tell me if you think I should move some rocks? And I'll tell you why.. I feel like I don't have enough open space though I am not sure if I really need it... All the fish seem to hang on the left side of the tank the only thing that's on the right is the watchman goby who is in the bottom in a little cave you may or may not be able to see in this video.. I feel like I want to move a couple of the rocks on the right side out..

I do like having all the extra caves but I think open-space might be nice..


With the frag's and little mushrooms that I have does everything seem to be in place for those of you who know how they should Look. Is there anything that someone sees that should be moved any suggestions on frag placements rock placements or anything else that you see?

I want to know how I'm doing in the eyes of someone who knows more than me and that's probably just about everybody LOL

Hope the video works let me know what you think


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