mercredi 4 mars 2015

New 120G Set up, needing advice please.

Hey guys. I am new to The Reef Tank as well as reefing in general. I have kept a small nano cube as a fish on with rock for quite some time. I have finally started to upgrade to a 120 gallon tank. The measurements for the tank will be 48"x24"x24". It has yet to be set up because I am slowly gathering all the equipment I will need. My current equipment includes:

2 of the EcoRay 72DX LED Light Fixtures.

Eshopps SK-120 Skimmer

40 Gallon breeder converted to sump, however only has three chambers: Intake, skimmer in the middle, return pump.

Rio 32HF Hyperflow (1920 GPH at 1')

Ecoxotic 4ft stunner strip Blue/Magenta colors.

Aquatop Titanium heater w/ separate control box.

I currently have 30 pounds of live rock in my cube that I was planning to use to seed when I move over and just buy dry rock to add to the new tank.

I was curious as to everyones opinions on if this equipment is all suitable to upgrade with or what you would change or possibly. I plan on starting fish only again but hoping to slowly moving into corals and having a mixed reef. Are the lights and skimmer suitable for a somewhat heavy bioload and to grow multiple types of corals? Should I add another baffle to the sump to add a small refugium to grow pods, etc. This will probably be my main display tank for quite some time and I would prefer it be done the right way to begin with.

Also the tank will be Eurobraced. I have never had any experience with this and was hoping to get more input on the pros and cons with it, as well as if I can still run lids on the tank with the bracing or not.

Thank you all again for the input!


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