mardi 3 mars 2015

ID please. Clear growth on rock. Saltwater tank

So I had a small green star frag that died (cheap led lights). Whittled up to just a small skin left where it was glued. Since it died months ago a small patch of dark purple growth started. The purple growth hasn't spread past the dead coral frag. Then a small patch of translucent/white growth started over top of the purple and has since spread on this rock. Fairly large now. I'd say it progresses about 1/2" per month spreading on the rock. It has small clear "tubes" that protrude it. Water param have always been a little high on phos and nit. But never high enough for concerns. Tank has been up for 3 years. I have a seahorse, a blood shrimp, 2 firefish, 3 blue hermit crabs, 2 turbo snails, 4 feather dusters. Tank is 10gal with another 10 gal in the sump. Help with an ID would be great thanks!

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