dimanche 1 mars 2015

Cloudy water / lots of copepods

Help guys,

I am new to the saltwater hobby and I am having trouble determining what has caused my water to turn so cloudy. I have a 75g with 90lbs of ocean rock (which were out in the sun for a very long time) and 6lbs of live rock. The substrate is live sand. The tank has been running for three weeks. Initially ,I placed a couple shrimp to kick start the cycle and things worked great. Got an NH3 spike, NO2 spike, and NO3 rose to 20ppm then started lowering as diatoms started taking over the tank.

Two days ago, diatoms started burning away and I saw, for the first time, copepods on the glass. I thought this was a good sign and my tank was cycling fine. Yesterday, 95% of the diatoms disappeared and I saw "tons" of copepods. Today, my water has gotten cloudy, like dust specks lingering in the water column and I have so many copepods that the substrate looks as if it were jumping with fleas. Now I'm concerned.

Ammonia - <.25ppm (API test)

Nitrite - 0

Nitrate - 0

PH - 8.0

What's happened? What can I do to troubleshoot this mess? I have no live stock, of course. Was hoping to introduce a fish in a week or two but I think I should fix this problem first.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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