mercredi 4 mars 2015

Best NANO LED for 15 Gallon Column $300

Hey guys,

I am thinking of upgrading my LED light to make sure my SPS + LPS corals are happy and healthy. Being able to have the colors really shine and pop will be a nice touch over my current FLUVAL LED. I have been to 2 different stores in Minnesota, and have spoken with a number of people.

Saltwater Empire says for $300 the Maxspect Nano Razor will do the trick perfectly. However, another store tells me they don't have a wide variety so that's why they push that one.

Fragastic Reef has a wide selection and says for similar money the Hydra 26 from Aqua Illumination will be much better. It is also $300, but requires an $80 controller.

The Fragtastic Reef owner also says the Maxspect Celestial LED will also do the trick but for $100 less. He also tells me there is a new light coming out from Aqua Illumination that is WIFI with a phone app?

For what it's worth the Fragtastic store also sells the Razor, but for cheaper, so there is no bias on his part.

Does anyone have any experience with any of these lights, or have any other suggestions.

My tank is a 15 gallon COLUMN TANK, so I need something that can push the depth.

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