mardi 27 janvier 2015

Whats that on my rock? And a question of course!

So my tank is really clear this morning except my glass is foggy looking maybe from the cloudy water?

Anyway, on intense examination of every inch of rock I keep thinking I am seeing moving things. I know 99% of what I am seeing is due to the water movement. BUT....Under a flat rock I noticed 2 or 3 dark(blackish) worm type looking thingy's that I thought were moving but not sure but that was yesterday.

I know things may appear or disappear and I am really looking closely but today I only see 1 black thingy...(Thingy for lack of a better word) Ok, I could say worm but thingy sounds better in my head! :funny:

Could it be my first critter sighting??

And, what should I get to feed the empty tank?

Would it be the same that I would use when I get fish? And someone mentioned pellets. Actually, I asked about an auto feeder for when I go away and I was told to use amix of pellets and frozen so the fish get accustomed to the pellets which are better in auto feeders and frozen is better so alternate so the fishes will get the pellets when I need to use the feeder and the frozen will give them variety.. So what about my none existing Coral? Will they eat something different?

I know I'm rambling....You may have noticed that about me LOL But don't forget my original question...What to feed the fishless tank to help the cycle? Since I added the shrimp yesterday my NitrAte, Ammonia and PH have all gone up a bit.

Thanks everyone!

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