lundi 26 janvier 2015

My Livestock plans, opinions?

Hello fish friends,

My 28G JBJ Nanocube completed her cycle over a week ago, and shortly thereafter went into a lovely diatom bloom (sarcasm... looks like poop).

On Saturday evening I picked up my first inhabitants. I went with a pair of young false percula clownfish (1.5") and a sharknose goby. I actually kind of regret buying the sharknose goby, especially considering he was more expensive then the clowns. Store has a no-give-backsies policy on livestock, so I guess I am just stuck with him for now. Moving on!

Here is the rest of my list, thoughts?

January 31, 2015- Firefish and/or Diadem Dottyback

February 7, 2015- Six-line wrasse and/or Yellowtail Damselfish

And so concludes my stocking plans for the 28. Any personal input would be great. I have tried to stick with what has already been suggested for the biocubes/ nanocubes on this forum, so hopefully I am not too far off.

One last quick note. My clowns have both sampled three different types of food since coming home, but don't seem too inclined to swallow said food. I know fish can go for some time without eating, but the spitting out is what worries me most. I have offered Mysis, Spectrum pellets and Omega One pellets. I don't have any saltwater flakes on hand, as I read they are generally passed up by most fish. The store fed mysis and spectrum, so just a tad concerned now.

Water specs are (no chemicals have been added to raise or lower levels, tank is au natural):

Temp: 77.7F

Salinity: 1.025 SG

pH: 8.2

KH: 11dKH

NH3: 0ppm

NO2-: 0ppm

NO3-: 0ppm

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