dimanche 25 janvier 2015

I begin again.

I think I got rid of my Dino's. I dosed Hydrogen Peroxide, and AlgaeFix by API for about a month and did no water changes for about 2 and a half months. When Winter began here we had a big freeze and the power went out to the tank, which killed all of my fish. So I've kept the lights off on the tank for several months. After the freeze, the only survivor was my Lawnmower Blenny. I would turn the lights on occasionally, for a few hours here and there.

Seems like all of the Dino's are gone. Now I have an explosion of Pineapple Sponges, which I don't really mind. So last night I had a wild hair, and went and got two clowns and a lyretail Anthias. :D

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