mercredi 16 juillet 2014

Why should I move from MHs to LEDs?

I'm debating with myself over making the jump from MHs to LEDs. A decent LED setup to cover the spread of my tank with optics is going to run me at least $1000.

If I got 6yrs out of a LED system, thats $167 a year. I truly doubt LEDs are going to last much past 7yrs with the on/off cycle, heat on the driver, fans, heat on the diodes.

My guess is that 95% of all LED buyers dont have the same LED fixture into their 7th year, due to whatever reason.

So, again, $1000 min investment over 6yrs is $167 a year in LED lighting cost.

I can still get brandname MH bulbs for $60 a bulb. And no-names for $20'ish a bulb.

So doing the math, $120 a year for two brandname bulbs is still ahead of the $167 LED investment.

With MHs a proven technology for growth and color.....until the LED market can get me below $100 a year in lighting cost, I don't think I'll invest.

Seems like a technology that is still developing on the fly with new models coming out every 6mos.

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