mercredi 2 juillet 2014

Well my first major problem..

Well I've got my first major breakout of something.. My buddy says it's ick but idk.. So here is the scoop. On Sunday it was my bday and plans went south so I friend and I went out in search of saltwater stores in the greater st.louis area. I ended up getting a azure damsel from one place and two blue devil damsels from my favorite fish store. From the research I did I thought all would be fine or the two blue devils would pick on the azure. This isn't how it happened. The azure beat the two devils to death. I would like to note one of the blue devils came with ick I believe. I didn't notice until I put him in my tank but he didn't look all that hot when I got him. So those two are dead and I turn my lights on today and my glass has all these white bug type things all over it. There is nothing on my 3 fish I have and my shrimp. They all don't seem to be stressed either. Cardinal is just floating around and the azure isn't trying to attack my tang, my coral banded shrimp even invited the azure for a cleaning right after I turned the lights on.

My plan.


The ick isn't hosting on the remaining fish so it should die after it's life cycle. But how am I to be sure it is in fact ick?

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