mercredi 2 juillet 2014

anenome question?

hi guys, I have a 20 gallon long and it has been running for 3 months. then I got an velvet outbreak and all fish died. RIP Mr.Oreo. RIP. Banana head.:bawling: that was awhile ago. then I let it sit for a month and a half fishless. I got rid of all live rock and put in new cured live rock. I then cycled for 3 weeks. I got a baby clown trigger named bandit and another canary blenny named banana head jr. my question is, can I get an anemone? with the tank being set up for a total of four months? or did the new live rock ruin it? do I have to wait another four months? all paramaters are in check. PH: 8.3 ammonia:0ppm nitrite:0ppm nitrate:5 ppm

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