mardi 1 juillet 2014

Toadstool concern

Hi All,

I've had a toadstool coral for over a year now and it's been thriving. Over the past couple of months, I've added several fish to my tank including 2 angels. For the past week or so, my toadstool has completely retracted its polyps but otherwise looks fine. I'm thinking its because the angels have been nipping at it. Should I be concerned? Should I consider moving it to a less traveled place in the tank? I've heard toadstools can secrete a toxic substance when stressed. I also unexpectedly lost a clown fish the other day. All other fish look fine:

Ocellaris clown

Sailfin Tang

Coral beauty angel

Half black angel

Fairy wrasse

I also have a green bubble tip anemone, a rose tip anemone and several coral that are all doing well.


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