mardi 1 juillet 2014

New Sump Design

I wanted something different from the standard sump design so I built this. It's built from a 40B. The water comes from a siphon line and an overflow drain into the skimmer section and then flows over a weir to the settling tank and equipment area. From there it wraps back around over another weir into the return pump section.

This design benefits me for several reasons. For starters, it's cleaner. All the pipes are on the same end as the overflow in the display tank so there are no crazy pipe runs. The shorter length of pipe also cuts down on my head pressure giving me better flow from the return pump. Additionally, shorter drain pipes make it easier for my siphon system to start back up after a loss of power...This setup of plumbing restarts and balances with no air in the drain line in 3 or 4 minutes whereas the old version with plumbing to the other side of the sump would take an hour to purge all the air from the lines. Less plumbing means less fittings to leak...less parts to buy...less PLUMBING! Lastly, in the 3 foot tank, I get more than 3 feet of flow because the center is partitioned. In effect, I get longer contact times in the sump. There are no tight spaces, I don't have to struggle to wedge my hands in to get at equipment, and it took a minimum of extra glass to accomplish.

I hope others will enjoy my design. As to whether or not I'm the first, I'm sure I'm not. But there it is...and it works quite well.


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