mardi 15 juillet 2014

Pods population crash

I'm not sure how i managed it but i think it happened. I killed my pods or they disapeared. I used to have lots. I don't have mandarins, but i have seahorses in my display fuge. My fuge is seperated in 2 sections; one was for my seahorses and the other was suppose to be for my lionfish.

That dwarf lionfish who never accepted his role and keeps hiding from me, only shows during the nigh and eats pods because he doesn't touch anything else; certainly not the live food i bring nor the frozen one either.

Plus for my flatworms i've put two wrasses in my tanks one in the fuge the other in the main reef who's fed by the refugium placed higher, thats right my fuge is feeding my reef by gravity.

So now my pods have been depleeded to the point i don't them anymore where as before i couldn't count them on the side panel of my fuge

So anybody have any recommendations?

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