mercredi 2 juillet 2014

New to Marine how long to cycle

Hi guys

New to this forum and to marine tanks

Purchased a aqua reef 400 for my first tank thought I'd start small lol

My question is I've set up my tank - sump - skimmer - power heads, I have about 40kg live rock and used life sand. I also got some blue moonlight LED and have the 4 t5 the tank came with that I've left off why cycling.

My tanks been cycling 3 weeks now and all my water checks are spot on.

I set all this up with an experienced marine keeper friend who says I need to wait 6 weeks before I can add anything else.

This is fair enough and I'm in no rush but u just wanted to know people's opinions is 6 weeks min a must or might my tank already be cycled?

I've read lots of discussions but can't really find out how you know your tanks cycled other than water tests and mine are all spot on and have been for the past week.

Any help would be appriciated

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