mardi 1 juillet 2014

Indigo Hamlet.

So I was just browsing Blue Zoo Aquatics and I came across an Indigo Hamlet. It is a gorgeous fish, and with that blue it would really give some color to my reef tank that I am looking for. My question is would I be able to fit one (bioload wise) in my tank? Also if it would eat my clowns and sixline? My tank is a 120 gallon reef and I have the fallowing fish:

1 White Cheek Tang

1 Singapore Angelfish

1 Male Blue Jaw Triggerfish

2 Percula Clowns

1 Sixline Wrasse

1 Yasha Goby

I know for sure that the goby would be at risk, but I might start a frag tank and I could put that guy and the wrasse in there if needed. That's not a set and stone idea though. I don't want it to eat my clowns though as they where my first saltwater fish. One hangs in an anemone all day everyday, and the other hangs loosely with my Pom Pom xenias. I am not sure how many pounds of live rock I have, but I have a good amount and plan to add more. I am not sure what kind of skimmer I have either since it came with the tank on Craigslist and I never asked (very annoying not know at times!!!). I just dont want to add to many fish, and then as they grow up run into issues with the bioload. I am adding a couple links on them. It would be a bummer if I couldn't get one. I appreciate any help! Thanks!!!

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