jeudi 17 juillet 2014

I need to pick your brains...

I recently acquired an adult ghost eel nearly a week ago now, and I have yet to get it to eat (or at least see it eat). A small goby had went missing the day I put in the eel, so it is possible the eel ate it and is still full. I am having trouble believing this though as this particular eel is a scaredy cat! He leaves all of the fish alone, especially my clowns. Anyhow, my lfs (I trust this guy, he has given me some very good advice) said they are very hardy and bets he could kill them if he tried. Any advice on what to try? I have read all of the threads that I could find on the web. It is a little too late to put in some tubing for him, but has already found a nice cave. I have tried the feeding tong trick as well. I have tried freeze dried krill, what my lfs feeds them, to no avail (not surprising however). He seems like he is hungry; he comes out several times a day and swims the tank as though he is searching for food. Pieces of food have even hit him in the face and he had done nothing. I am thinking about trying some frozen squid or mussels if I can find some. Any ideas TRT?

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