mercredi 2 juillet 2014

I'm getting my first coral in two weeks and I'm so excited!


Well my tank has been up and running for about 6 months now and I feel I am ready for my first coral! Here are my specs:


2 HOB Filters for flow


7lbs of live rock

10lbs of live sand

1 electric blue damsel

2 scarlet hermits

and 1 nassarius snail!

Now the problem is my lighting... I only have 2 socket LED bulbs at 3000K each and I know it'll even be tough to grow softies. My levels have been pretty steady and I only have to add about a cup of water a day so there are no salinity swings. The 2 corals I am considering are a nice 5 poylp rhodactis mushroom and a frag of blue xenia! Do you think I can do it? No problem with flow as I have a nice random turbulence in the water. Any ideas on how I can keep these happy and healthy? Should I supplement with anything or just weekly water changes with red coral pro sea salt? I greatly appreciate your help! :blob:

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