dimanche 27 juillet 2014

Here is a new one for all you smarties out there, condensation water.

So I'm sitting out side and I notice the line for our walk in fridge creates a massive amount of water, probably a good 20gallons a day and probably more.

What do you guys think about using it? Of course if I did I would gather it in a 5gal bucket closer to the condenser to avoid having to clean out all the piping between the outside and the walk in, I'll probably place a 5 gal in the walkin so the water would travel in about 3 ft of clean hose.

It should be pretty clean right? It is just like taking water from a de-humidifier. Of corse this is no permanent solution to ro/di water but I'd like to look into possibly using this instead of tap if in fact it would be better.

From my knowledge of ro/di and condensation (which is almost no knowledge) wouldn't this water be considered RO water and should still be ran thru a DI?

Just some food for thought, plus I like getting something for nothing even if it's just a little cleaner then tap water.

And yes I'm still getting ro/di when the budget allows

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