mercredi 21 mai 2014

Jawfish problems

I have had my jawfish for about two weeks and realized it was gone so I tore my tank apart looking for it and no sign of it and no dead body. Three days later I'm cleaning my tank (biocube 14) and see him in the back with all the filter media so I scooped him out and put him back in the tank. He made a new burrow and carried on with his business like nothing happened. That night I here a noise coming from my tank and sure enough he was jumping again. The same happened the next night. He is the only fish in the tank with plenty of sand and crushed coral for a burrow. I have a peppermint shrimp, emerald crab, and a bunch of snails and hermits. What could possibly be causing him to jump at night. Maybe the darkness is bothering him?

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