lundi 26 mai 2014

interpreting first test results (magnesium / iodide)

I just bought a Salifert Magnesium and Seachem Iodide test kit, I've never tested for either of these in the past so I'm looking for a feedback based on the test results.

First I tested Magnesium and it appears to be at 1500+ ppm based on the test kit, because I used all of the reagents as the test kit says to and it never caused it to change to grey/blue like the kit says it will. Do I need a different test kit that will test higher than 1500ppm to be able to see what I have for sure? Or is it OK that its 1500+ and just accept that since it says NSW is 1300-1500ppm?

The iodide test kit I prepared the first tray and I added two drops like the test kit said to and it changed to a very light blue that was difficult to compare, so I prepared a second tray and added four drops (because the test kit says you can double / triple the drops and just understand that the results will show double/triple so you have to keep that in mind when evaluating the results). With 4 drops on the second test the tray never turned blue... so I prepared a third tray and added 6 drops and it didn't turn blue... so I went ahead and used the sample they provide that says it is 0.06 and ran the test and it appears to work fine (its really hard to tell the difference in shades of blue especially when they fade so quickly...) so this is telling me I have an iodide deficiency? Is that why all of my zoas eventually melt away because they are lacking iodide? The only thing I've been able to successfully keep so far is GSP, I have a Duncan that is alive, but not thriving (it has grown 3 new heads since I had it, but I think that was all while it was in the old 10 gal tank, I don't think it has really grown since it has been in my 40B, might have had the three new heads grow slightly, but not a ton...) and I have xenia that had melted away when I first put them in my tank, but then came back on its own and seems to be slowly growing, but not as quickly as it was when it first reappeared...

Everything else I've tried putting in my tank (zoas/palys, acan lords, to some extent my Kenya tree has been shriveling up and not opening as much lately - which could be due to my recent vacation that caused an algae outbreak while I was gone... I just about had it cleaned up but then went away for the long weekend so have a little algae back again that I'll need to clean up.

Does the algae consume iodide, to cause it to be so low that the test kit can't measure it? It seems funny that the first time I tested it briefly turned blue just too low to be able to compare it, then the second and third time I tested I can't get it to turn blue at all...?

Please help me interpret what I need to do! I started my tank using IO Reef crystals, but have switched over to regular IO since I've read several recommendations that the RC aren't needed since its just beefed up and that water changes should be enough to keep everything going... I do have Lugol's iodine that I can dose but I need recommendations on how much / how often I should be adding it to get my iodide where it should be? I was adding a drop a week to my 10 gal before I upgraded to the 40B, but didn't have a test kit for it so I quit adding it for fear of having too much iodide in the tank causing problems...

Help please! Thanks!

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