mardi 27 mai 2014

115 gallon custom cube install

I stumbled upon a 115 gallon custom cube tank in my dentist office. The tank was empty and I of course inquired about it with the receptionist. Long story short I have acquired a beautiful tank and am now feeling a bit intimidated. I currently am running a 75 gallon standard FOWL with refugium and carbon/GFO reactors and a 60 gallon frameless cube coral tank with a clown pair with identical filtration. The new tank has a few features that I am unfamiliar with and need to research. The components and tank are TRUVU brand and I have contacted them but can't get much info. I am considering changing the wet/dry set up to a refugium with skimmer since that is what I am used to and it would not require much if any modification. The skimmer does not have any name brands listed on it and needs a good scrub but I do not know anything about setting them up and getting them running. I plan on having a sand bed with a bit of crushed coral for my 12 in convict goby and watchman goby and I will re-stack the 200lbs of live rock. I am planning on moving the corals over once this gigantic tank is well established. I am using a mixture of water from my exhausting tanks and fresh mixed along with live sand and the 200lbs of live rocks to get things going. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and would appreciate any advice and direction. I will be using the exhausting equipment so I just need set advice for the skimmer :) And I can not figure out this photo program.....


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