mardi 1 avril 2014

Why do my soft corals always tend to fade slowly

Evening, I have a 40 breeder with a corlife T5HO 4 bulb with a 10,000k daylight bulb, a 67,000 k daylight bulb, an actinic bluelight and a colormax lamp. Those bulbs are over a year old. I have 4 powerheads for flow behind and through my rocks ( 2 koralia 850's and 2 450's). Nothing really has direct flow though. I use Ocean Crystals salt and do 10% water change weekly. Spectrapure RO/DI at 0TDS

My tests just done are

KH: 5meq/l or 14DKH

Ca: 430 ppm

MG 1360ppm

PH: 8.2

Nitrate 5

Nitrite 0

NH3: 0

SG: 1.027 although it does creep up because I get lazy at top offs

Temp: 78

My problem is that I can't seem to make green star polyps or zoanthids thrive. I have a green hammer, candy cane, Kenya tree that Ive had for 3 years, and have had mushrooms that did well, but zoanthids and green star polyps just slowly fade away. They open up and sometimes even start to spread, but eventually they just seem to slowly disappear or shrink. I don't think they're being eaten, they just don't seem to thrive. I don't supplement anything because I thought the amped salt should have everything I need. I really like zoanthids and star polyps and want a softie tank. Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot :beer:

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