mardi 1 avril 2014

Programming Apex for Actinic Lights to come on SLOWLY

OK.... I researched for over an hour, read the Apex manual, and I still can't figure out how to get my ReefBrite LED Actinics to slowly come on, then slowly shutoff.

I understand the basic structure of an Advanced setting:

Fallback OFF (means the controlled device will shut off if the controller stops managing for some reason)

Set OFF (I have no idea what this line means & what I can do to program something)

If Time xx:xx to xx:xx Then ON (means the light will come on between those two time intervals...BUT what if you want the light to come on at 11am and off at 11:55am then back on at 15:55 and off at 20:00???)

If Temp > 80.0 Then OFF (means the light get turned off if temp goes above 80degress)

Min Time xxx:xx Then OFF (I think this means that if you have 005:00 the light wont come back on for another 5mins once its been turned off. I think that's right but i'm confused)

Can someone help me typed out an advanced programming statement if I want my actinic light to:

1) come ON at 11:00am and shutoff at 11:55am, then come back ON at 13:55pm then shutoff at 20:00pm

2) each time it comes ON I want the actinic LEDs to come ON slowly over the course of a 5mins

3) I also want the lights to go slowly off for 5mins when told to turn off

Thanks, this stuff is confusing....

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