vendredi 25 avril 2014

Mandarin Dragon Readiness


I was looking for some indication of whether my tank would be ready for a mandarin dragon. It has been set up for over six months now, and all tank inhabitants and layout has been planned with a future purchase of a dragonette in mind.

I have 2 clown fish, 4 green chromes and a scooter blenny at the moment. Also in the tank are 4 corals, 2 hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs and a cleaner shrimp.

Tanks is 200litres. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Copper 0, Nitrate near 0, Alkalinity 8, Salinity 1.024, Phosphate 0, Calcium 400. All water parameters have been stable for over 5 months now.

I carry out a weekly 10-15% water change and dose with Alk and Calcium. I have an annual subscription of copepods which arrive every week and I add on a Friday. I also have an annual subscription of Rotifers which arrive each month and I add them. (I am trying to grow my own colonies but have had a few crashes so far so I'm sticking with the subscription for now!!)

From the above, would you say I was ready for a Mandarin? I am just concerned that the weekly additions of copepods, and monthly rotifers are not enough with the Scooter Blenny already in the tank, and whether I should double my dose?

Anything else I should be aware of before making purchase?

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