mercredi 2 avril 2014

Feather Duster Leaving its Tube


Hoping someone can advise me. I have just checked tonight to find my feather duster escaping its tube (about half way out!!). I picked it up to move it and it went back in, but now a few hours later it is escaping again!

I have had it about 2 months now.

Tank as follows: 200litre (50gallon) PH 8.4, Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate/Phosphate 0, Calcium 380 (currently dosing to increase), Alkalinity 6.8 (again I'm dosing this), copper 0, salinity 1024, Dissolved Oxygen 8.4. I carry out weekly water changes with RODI water.

Tank mates: SPS corals, Cleaner Shrimp, emerald crabs, scooter dragonette, 2 clown fish, 1 dottyback orchid.

I have a weekly subscription of copepods that I put in the tank also.

Thanks in advance

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